In this 2nd episode you'll listen to Joeri Van Ormondt, a speech therapist and person who stutters practicing in the Netherlands. He is a board member of the ESS Consortium (European Stuttering Specialists) and organizer of the "Dream. Speak. Live" camps for the Netherlands.
In this interview, conducted at the ICA World Congress in Poland in September 2023, Joeri talks about an article by Christopher Constantino, Patrick Campbell and Sam Simpson published in 2022. This article questions the notion of fluency in a shift from a medical to a social model. Joeri explains how this article fueled his thinking as a practitioner and as a person who stutters.
Reference of the article: Constantino, C., Campbell, P., & Simpson, S. (2022). Stuttering and the social model. Journal of Communication Disorders, 96, 106200.