Exploring Research

Exploring Research

Explorations de la Recherche Scientifique pour la pratique clinique/Exploring Research for Clinical Practice

Christine TOURNIER

Ce podcast vous permet de découvrir les travaux de recherche et les publications utiles pour nourrir votre pratique clinique d'orthophoniste ou de thérapeute. In this podcast, you will find useful information about Research and publications to help you in your clinical practice as a Speech and Language Therapist. Générique/Credits: Musique/Music: Symetrio Voix/Voices: Joeri Van Ormondt, Felicia Pluim, Michelle Swift

En cours de lecture

Episode 23 [Fr]: Conversation avec Fanny Guillon Invernizzi sur le partenariat avec l'entourage

[Fr] Dans cet épisode vous pourrez entendre une conversation enregistrée avec Fanny Guillon-Invernizzi, orthophoniste française en libéral, formatrice pour la FOCAL à Lyon, formatrice en Troubles Alimentaires Pédiatriques et autrice pour le site Allo Ortho. Lors de cette conversation nous échangeons sur les façons d’associer l’entourage aux prises en soin pour limiter les retentissements fonctionnels. Vous découvrirez comment nos pratiques ont évolué et aurez quelques exemples de façons de mieux faire équipe avec le patient et son entourage.
[Eng] In this episode, you can listen to a conversation with Fanny Guillon-Invernizzi, a French speech and language therapist, trainer for the French FOCAL, trainer in paediatric eating disorders and author for the website Allo Ortho. In this conversation, we'll be talking about ways of involving family and relatives in the treatment process to limit the functional impact. You'll find out how our practices have evolved and get some examples of how we can work better as a team with our clients and their families.
Yaruss, J. S., & Quesal, R. W. (2004). Stuttering and the international classification of functioning, disability, and health (ICF): An update. Journal of communication disorders, 37(1), 35-52.
Yaruss, J. S., & Quesal, R. W. (2006). Overall Assessment of the Speaker's Experience of Stuttering (OASES): Documenting multiple outcomes in stuttering treatment. Journal of fluency disorders, 31(2), 90-115.
Goday, P. S., Huh, S. Y., Silverman, A., Lukens, C. T., Dodrill, P., Cohen, S. S., … Phalen, J. A. (2019). Pediatric Feeding Disorder: Consensus Definition and Conceptual Framework. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 68(1), 124 129. https://doi.org/10.1097/MPG.0000000000002188

En cours de lecture

Episode 22 [eng]: Melany Comperen, about camps Dream Speak Live and a book empowering children who stutter

[Eng] In this episode, you will listen to Melany Comperen, a speech therapist in Tilburg in the Netherlands. She is also a certified European Stuttering Specialist. She presents the principles of the camps Dream Speak Live developed by Courtney Byrd and her team from the Blank Center for Stuttering in Austin (Texas). She also presents a book she illustrated showing strong kids who stutter.
[Fr] Dans cet épisode, vous entendrez Melany Comperen, orthophoniste à Tilburg, aux Pays-Bas. Elle est également certifiée spécialiste européenne du bégaiement. Elle présente les principes des camps Dream Speak Live développés par Courtney Byrd et son équipe du Blank Center for Stuttering à Austin (Texas). Elle présente également un livre qu'elle a illustré et qui montre des enfants qui bégaient sous un jour nouveau, pleins de ressources et de joie de vivre.

Byrd, C. T. (2023). The Blank Center CARE™ Model: Application for School-Age Children Who Stutter. Austin, TX: Dream. Speak. Live. Publications.
Hofstee-Bootsma, T., De Smit, F. & Comperen-Vugts, M. (2023). Praathelden. Hoofddorp: Gigaboek.

En cours de lecture

Episode 21 [eng]: How to implement UN's sustainable development goals in SLT

Podcast episode 21 Loes
[Eng] In this episode, you will listen to Loes Venema, a speech therapist in Groeningen in the Netherlands. She is also a teacher at University @Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. She presents how she develops a project for implementing United Nation’s sustainable development goals in speech-therapy and teaching. She participated in a Summer School for students at @ThomasMore university to see how this implementation could be done.
[Fr] Dans cet épisode, vous entendrez Loes Venema, orthophoniste à Groeningen aux Pays-Bas. Elle est également enseignante à l'université @Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Elle nous explique comment elle développe un projet de mise en œuvre des objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies dans le domaine de l'orthophonie et de l'enseignement.

En cours de lecture

Episode 20 [Eng]: Emotional self-regulation

In this episode, I'm talking about the work of Ellen Kelly and Katherina Ntourou on emotional self-regulation. This component of temperament is essential to take into account in therapy, as far as the child, parents and therapist are concerned because at any age, we use emotional self-regulation and co-regulation to deal with situations. Some concrete ideas from the article by Binns et al. 2019 are explained for your reflection.
References :
Binns, A. V., Hutchinson, L. R., & Cardy, J. O. (2019). The speech-language pathologist’s role in supporting the development of self-regulation: A review and tutorial. Journal of communication disorders, 78, 1-17.
Ntourou, K., DeFranco, E. O., Conture, E. G., Walden, T. A., & Mushtaq, N. (2020). A parent-report scale of behavioral inhibition: Validation and application to preschool-age children who do and do not stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 63, 105748.
Ntourou, K., Conture, E. G., & Walden, T. A. (2013). Emotional reactivity and regulation in preschool-age children who stutter. Journal of fluency disorders, 38(3), 260-274.
Onslow, M., & Kelly, E. M. (2020). Temperament and early stuttering intervention: Two perspectives. Journal of fluency disorders, 64, 105765.
SFA Podcast Episodes with Ellen Kelly about parents of children who stutter :
Saison/Season 1, episode 15 : “Supporting and partnering with parents of children who stutter”
Saison/Season 2, episode 15: “Helping parents to know how and when to let go”
Saison/Season 5, episode 11: “How to talk with parents of young children who are stuttering”

En cours de lecture

Episode 20 [fr]: L'auto-régulation émotionnelle

Dans cet épisode je vous parle des travaux d’Ellen Kelly et de Katherina Ntourou sur l’auto-régulation émotionnelle. Cette composante du tempérament est essentielle à prendre en compte dans les thérapies, en ce qui concerne l’enfant, ses parents et le ou la thérapeute. En effet, à tout âge nous utilisons l’auto-régulation émotionnelle et la co-régulation pour faire face aux situations. Quelques idées concrètes venant de l’article de Binns et al. 2019 sont proposées pour votre réflexion.

Références :
Binns, A. V., Hutchinson, L. R., & Cardy, J. O. (2019). The speech-language pathologist’s role in supporting the development of self-regulation: A review and tutorial. Journal of communication disorders, 78, 1-17.
Ntourou, K., DeFranco, E. O., Conture, E. G., Walden, T. A., & Mushtaq, N. (2020). A parent-report scale of behavioral inhibition: Validation and application to preschool-age children who do and do not stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 63, 105748.
Ntourou, K., Conture, E. G., & Walden, T. A. (2013). Emotional reactivity and regulation in preschool-age children who stutter. Journal of fluency disorders, 38(3), 260-274.
Onslow, M., & Kelly, E. M. (2020). Temperament and early stuttering intervention: Two perspectives. Journal of fluency disorders, 64, 105765.
Podcast de la SFA avec Ellen Kelly sur le partenariat parental :
Saison/Season 1, episode 15 : “Supporting and partnering with parents of children who stutter”
Saison/Season 2, episode 15: “Helping parents to know how and when to let go”
Saison/Season 5, episode 11: “How to talk with parents of young children who are stuttering”